About Dr Ioan Rees

CEO of Sycol

5 Leadership Styles for the 21st Century Organisation

Whether you’re a head teacher, a senior or middle leader or a corporate executive, as a leader, you set the tone and model the behaviour for the culture you want to create in your organisation. To do this you have to ask yourself: What do I value most?

5 Leadership Styles for the 21st Century Organisation2017-06-15T11:11:06+01:00

The Case for Project Based Learning, Creativity & Innovation in Education

Critical thinking, digital literacy and real-world problem solving are some of the key principles to 21st Century education.

The Case for Project Based Learning, Creativity & Innovation in Education2017-06-21T16:05:24+01:00

5 Leadership Tips for Effective Change Management

In any service or school, the productivity/output and level of performance is tied very closely to the culture. Where there is a stifling culture, performance is often mediocre. By contrast, where there is a culture of innovation and modern leadership there tend to be high-performing teams that value consistent growth and learning.

5 Leadership Tips for Effective Change Management2017-06-15T11:54:48+01:00

21st Century Design Principles and Approach to Education

Our modern education system isn’t all that modern; the last major innovation in education was made more than 100 years ago. And, even now, when we talk about education reform, it’s often with retroactive perspective and a traditional tone.

21st Century Design Principles and Approach to Education2017-06-21T13:03:05+01:00
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