Welcome Petrina!
We're delighted to welcome Petrina North who brings with her a wealth of expertise having progressed through the Sycol programme to Black Belt.
We're delighted to welcome Petrina North who brings with her a wealth of expertise having progressed through the Sycol programme to Black Belt.
Part 3: Finding footholds can be a challenge in the ever moving world of education and the day-to-day running of a school. If we are to climb the mountain, those first footholds need to firm, and ones we can all step up to. Part 1: Our journey as a high school in building a culture of high-performance
We started our SYCOL journey with Ioan and the SYCOL team towards the end of the 2014/15 with a whole staff meeting, which Ioan facilitated.
Part 2: The ‘Sycol Lead Team’ has now been created; a mixture of senior staff, our headteacher and a couple of younger staff - passionate about being involved[:cy]Part 1: Our journey as a high school in building a culture of high-performance
Can schools, as traditionally top-down, command-and-control organisations, work with flat structures?
Most inspirational leaders and organizations start from the inside out. They Start With Why.
Exploring the method and impact of Project Based Learning (PBL)
Despite the challenges, organisations that develop a culture of creative innovation are more likely to experience both longevity and success.