The Case for Project Based Learning, Creativity & Innovation in Education

Critical thinking, digital literacy and real-world problem solving are some of the key principles to 21st Century education.

The Case for Project Based Learning, Creativity & Innovation in Education2017-06-21T16:05:24+01:00

Challenging Environments: Working Collaboratively in a PRU

Pupil Referral Units have been described as the “Cinderella service” and it is sometimes the case that they are at risk of being cut off from information networks that support innovation and development. Part 1: Our journey as a high school in building a culture of high-performance.

Challenging Environments: Working Collaboratively in a PRU2017-06-15T14:02:18+01:00

5 Leadership Tips for Effective Change Management

In any service or school, the productivity/output and level of performance is tied very closely to the culture. Where there is a stifling culture, performance is often mediocre. By contrast, where there is a culture of innovation and modern leadership there tend to be high-performing teams that value consistent growth and learning.

5 Leadership Tips for Effective Change Management2017-06-15T11:54:48+01:00

Using the SYCOL system to develop Home Learning at Egremont School

We started our SYCOL journey with Ioan and the SYCOL team towards the end of the 2014/15 with a whole staff meeting, which Ioan facilitated.

Using the SYCOL system to develop Home Learning at Egremont School2017-06-21T16:23:36+01:00

Climbing the Mountain Part 2: Moving on from Base Camp

Part 2: The ‘Sycol Lead Team’ has now been created; a mixture of senior staff, our headteacher and a couple of younger staff - passionate about being involved[:cy]Part 1: Our journey as a high school in building a culture of high-performance

Climbing the Mountain Part 2: Moving on from Base Camp2017-06-15T14:09:04+01:00
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